JavaScript — The Best Choice for Business Software Development in 2021

Amidst the sea of programming languages, development tools, and technology stacks available to the IT world, why should businesses look at JavaScript for software product development?

Ella Wilson
9 min readJun 8, 2021
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How do you choose a programming language for any IT project?

Like most developers/IT consultants, your answer might vary by the project complexity, budget, time, scalability, security, resources, etc. As is reasonable! But, I believe that the most critical decision when choosing a language or technology lies in a simple question:

Which One Lets You Do The Most?

I can give you the top reasons to choose JavaScript as the first option to build software products (and I will). But, you might find yourself inclining towards this 26-years-old programming language anyway (Yes! JavaScript was founded in 1995) because it is still relevant, prevalent, and often a developer’s favorite choice.

JavaScript is the biggest force behind interactive web development at present

JavaScript is the most popular technology, as per Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2020

As of April 2021, around 141,916,650 websites use JavaScript

Most In-demand solutions and websites powered by JavaScript include Google, Wikipedia, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Amazon, and eBay

Nearly 70% of software developers worldwide use JavaScript

Nevertheless, it is wise to wonder why JavaScript is so popular in web development. Moreover, before commencing any project- big or small — why should businesses look at JavaScript as a viable, reliable, and trustworthy tool?

Let’s find out!

Top 10 Reasons Why JavaScript Will Improve Your Web & App Solutions

JavaScript has aged well.

This programming language has a mature ecosystem, a vast community, brilliant package systems, registries, buffers, functions, and an easy entry barrier. It is widely used for web and app development. It runs across the software stack- frontend and backend. The use of JavaScript in web development varies from websites and apps to browser-based games and server apps. Its versatile nature can be observed in some popular products from Medium, PayPal, Netflix, or Airbnb, built using full-stack JavaScript.

The importance of JavaScript in web development is considered second to none. The following features attest to that.

1. Beginner-Friendly

One of the most significant advantages of JavaScript is its straightforward syntax. You don’t need a separate development environment. You can simply start coding and testing using any browser. Its concepts are simple. Plus, the far-reaching community support comes in handy when solving issues or understanding complex parts of the language or framework.

2. High-Speed Development

JavaScript development, execution, testing, debugging, and overall process management is a rapid cycle. Performance optimizations over two decades, interpreters and JIT compiler enabled code execution, quick code rendering, etc., ensure that your JS code runs fast. JS also allows concurrent code execution, which saves developers time.

Owing to its history and community support, JavaScript sports organized documentation and information readily accessible online. It also hastens the rate of development in many cases.

3. A Common Language for Better Efficiency

Easy, reliable, and perceptive full-stack development is why JavaScript is the best. This programming language lets you write every piece of code through a single syntax.

Although the components of JS are many, working with this language is a matter of retaining the right talent. Hire Node.Js developers or outsource to a ReactJS development company and sit back. The flexibility of JavaScript- and its full-stack capabilities -will allow those teams to create solutions through a connected system while reducing any additional cost or effort input.

4. Reusable Code

JavaScript allows extensive code reuse. You can share parts of a code, build a reusable component library, and use similar code snippets for common logic implementations, etc. You can save the code that may be needed multiple times into a user-defined function. You can also create and share routines as and when necessary.

5. High Performance

In JavaScript, it is possible to code one function in many ways. Once mastered, this programming language opens up endless possibilities to create efficient operations, optimize performance, and reduce time.

And, why is JavaScript so popular in web development? Because it supports all browsers and creates a nearly identical outcome for each.

6. Open-Source Toolset

Most JavaScript development tools, libraries, components, modules, and documentation are available free of charge. Most of them evolve with the language as fellow open-source projects and can be used easily.

7. Feature-Rich Interfaces

What is JavaScript used for?

The first-ever use of JS was to automate interactions on the web. Currently, it is the standard tool used for writing interactive web processes. While you can build complicated, multi-layered web solutions with JavaScript, this framework allows you to design captivating interfaces that simplify usage to a great extent.

8. A Large Community

26+ years of history has awarded JavaScript with a rich and wide-reaching community of developers, designers, testers, and users. The JavaScript framework is also deeply integrated with most recent software projects, which not only keeps the community alive but also ensures its relevance in the coming times.

9. Secure Solutions

JavaScript is primarily an embedded, high-level, interpreted language. The main purpose of JavaScript in web browsers is to create dynamic web pages, extend functional capacities, and ensure interactivity.

One of the top reasons to choose JavaScript as the first option to build software products is its unrelenting focus on improving security, assessing vulnerabilities, and debugging.

10. Incredible Potential

JavaScript keeps evolving. Not just the framework or the libraries but the language as well keeps changing and improving with time. There is an army of developers experimenting with JavaScript to make it more efficient and solve more problems. The overwhelming contributions, coupled with compatibility updates and capacity enhancements, have turned JavaScript into a treasure trove of possibilities.

But, more on that later in this blog!

What Constitutes the JavaScript Framework

One of the top reasons to choose JavaScript as the first option when building software products is its versatile ecosystem. Take a look at the main frameworks in JavaScript and their biggest advantages.

1. ReactJS

React was launched in 2003 and is currently considered one of the most prominent JavaScript frameworks, primarily because of its native development capabilities. In addition to the backing of Facebook, React also offers numerous advantages.

  • Easy component writing
  • Reusable system component assets
  • Faster rendering
  • Saturated environments
  • Downward data flow
  • Stable Code
  • React Native for mobile development

Leading organizations like Apple, Netflix, and PayPal use React. In addition, this JavaScript framework is ideal for SPA development, small business software products, and cross-platform solutions.

2. AngularJS

AngularJS- a good choice for large-scale web app development -offers a unique combination of practices, tools, templates, and versatility. It combines UI with business logic, facilitates effective cross-platform development, and provides fast rendering.

Its distinctive features include:

  • Two-way data binding
  • Angular CLI and toolset
  • Google support
  • Easy-to-follow code structure
  • Dependency injection
  • Lazy load modules
  • Material design library

Despite its somewhat steep learning curve, AngularJS powers numerous SPAs, PWAs, and enterprise software.

3. Vue.JS

Vue.JS is a dynamic framework used to fuel powerful UIs for SPAs. It sports rich documentation and combines the best of Angular JS and React JS to build a functional yet lightweight system.

Vue.JS is versatile to a fault. It is flexible, uses an exclusive reactivity instrument that cuts short the development time, and supports reusability and code lucidity. This developer-friendly framework is also very easy to adopt with an impressive ecosystem and integration capabilities.

4. NodeJS

NodeJS is considered the most exciting part of the JavaScript universe. It is used for a wide variety of development projects, including real-time web apps, chat programs, APIs, collaboration tools, virtual emulators, streaming apps, multiplayer gaming apps, etc.

Built on the V8 engine, NodeJS is one of the main frameworks of JavaScript. It is relatively easy to learn with plenty of tutorials and documentation available online. It facilitates a faster time-to-market (a priceless feature for start-ups), produces lightweight solutions that can greatly reduce the development time, and provides excellent real-time responses.

NodeJS solutions can be scaled easily. It is a mature toolset used by the likes of Netflix and eBay and has an active community to support its development and developers.

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Is JavaScript Still Relevant? Where Would It Stand in the Future?

Right now, JavaScript is omnipresent. It has evolved beyond a front-end and back-end tool and into desktop, cross-platform, and hybrid development.

What made this possible?

Cutting-edge features

The sharp V8 JS engine

Highly optimized code

High Scalability

A big, active community

Internationally monitored evolution

If JavaScript continues on its current path of slow but stable and well-thought-out evolution, it will maintain its relevance and significance just fine. For now, here is what you and I can expect from JavaScript in the near future. (Pay attention if you are about to hire ReactJS developers/ AngularJS development services for JS projects anytime soon.)

1. JavaScript Language

Ever since the ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association) mandated the ECMAScript’s annual release cycle, we have seen increased adoption of ES5-compilable languages like TypeScript.

WebAssembly changes that.

This portable compilation target machine can run any programming language in a browser at its native speed. And, it is likely to shift towards Type languages soon.

2. Front-end Frameworks

Right now, React is the biggest game-changer in the JavaScript front-end framework market, credits to its Virtual DOM. But, we could be looking at its successor- Svelte. Or rather, Svelte 3.0.

This compiler framework made waves for creating efficient JS code. Now, in its 3.0 version, it has introduced real reactive programming. It will execute the code using the topological order.

That’s a promise of something new to look forward to in the JavaScript ecosystem.

3. Native ES6 Support

For the last few years, web developers have trusted Babel.js to access the latest ECMAScript features. But, now Babel.js is slowly being pushed away from the stage to make more room for within-platform language support.

ES6 (ECMAScript6) is looking at better support, and we are looking at more interesting browser-based web app development once again.

4. Server-Side JavaScript

Ryan Dahl- the original NodeJs, Deno, and TypeScript developer- is working on improving Deno to facilitate better performance, higher security, and explicit permission-based code executions.

When implemented, this upgrade will increase developer trust in platforms and allow us to run unsecured codes with more certainty.

But, What About the Far Future of JavaScript?

This programming language, full-stack technology- call it what you want -has survived more than two and a half decades. It has sustained. Flourished, even!

So, why should businesses look at JavaScript?

Here is your answer. It was relevant in the years before us, and it is likely to stay so in the coming few years.

But, what of the next decade? What would JavaScript look like two decades from now?

There are not enough trends, facts, or figures to confidently predict anything right now. Technology is bursting into uncharted seas all over. But, if we were to speculate, there could be some exciting things to look forward to in the far future of JS.

Machine Learning Support

A Hybrid Functional & Reactive Approach

Brain-Machine Interface (Although this one is too ambitious)

Nevertheless, JavaScript’s capability never to render itself obsolete makes it the top choice for business software development.

JavaScript Supports Business Development & It’s Here to Stay

I have already made that abundantly clear- If you are still asking why businesses should look at JavaScript, you are missing out.

But, if you ask me to sum up why JavaScript is so popular in web development or why do companies use JavaScript, here’s what I shall supply.

  • It’s the language of the future
  • Provides excellent user experience
  • It offers an enjoyable development journey
  • Fast, scalable, and simple
  • Beautiful interfaces
  • Faster time-to-market
  • Always evolving

So, go ahead and get started with JavaScript if you haven’t already. Hire Indian software developers if you lack resources of your own. Outsource to MEAN, MERN, Angular, or Node.Js development company if you find the framework confusing. Or look up resources online and begin a hands-on learning journey.

Good luck with JavaScript.

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Ella Wilson

Business Consultant and Technical Content Strategist- | Mobile & Web Enthusiast, Tech Geek, Blogger by Passion. 14+ Years of Experience.