Laravel And Vuejs: Why Is This Couple Getting Popular for web development?

Find here the reasons why Laravel and VueJS is the perfect combination for the web development.

Bharti Purohit
Frontend Weekly
Published in
5 min readJun 22, 2020


Laravel and VueJS combination for web development.

You might be wondering how Laravel — a PHP framework and VueJS — a JavaScript framework could have anything to do with each other. And there is no way that both these frameworks can cater any purpose to each other, or can they?

You must need to enlighten yourself with so many facts regarding these frameworks to understand what makes Laravel and VueJS a perfect combination for web development.

No worries! Here is your exhaustive stop where you can find everything you need to know! Let’s talk about Laravel first.

A Little Brief About Laravel

Laravel is a free and open-source PHP based web development framework. Taylor Otwell developed Laravel in 2011 and released it under MIT license.

With around 60K stars on Github, Laravel is one of the most trending repositories. This PHP framework follows the Model-view-component (MVC) pattern, which is specially designed for web application development.

Ranging from small to enterprise-level, Laravel is the ideal choice for all kinds of web application development. Therefore laravel web application development has been the trend among businesses. It comes with various built-in functionalities that enable programmers to work with ease. Additionally, Laravel’s official packages are cherry on the cake.

Laravel offers useful features such as;

  • Template Engine
  • Eloquent ORM
  • Database Migration
  • Artisan
  • Automatic Package Delivery

A Little Brief About VueJS

VueJS is an open-source JavaScript framework that was developed for single-page applications and designing User Interface. Created by Evan You, it is a really very advanced JavaScript-based framework with an adaptable architecture. It has a focus on component composition and declarative rendering.

VueJS has gained enormous popularity among developers with around 166K stars on GitHub. No wonder that you can combine VueJS into large projects easily and simplify your web development.

VueJS offers useful features such as;

  • Data Binding
  • Animation/ Transition
  • Virtual Dom
  • Templates
  • Reusable Components

Why Should You Use Laravel With VueJS?

Even though it seems irrelevant that VueJS can offer support to Laravel because both these frameworks stem from different programming languages, you would be amazed to know VueJS supports Laravel in more ways than one.

Take a look at reasons for Laravel and Vuejs: Why Is This Couple Getting Popular for web development?

#1. Reactive Components Make for fantastic Event-Driven App

VueJS will be useful to you for developing a full-scale event-driven web app that manages all frontend activities. It offers composable components that you can use as per your wish.

You are only required to make a few trips for requesting data from the Laravel app and making user interface changes by switching components without reloading the page because VueJS couples nicely with Laravel.

You will get an amazing experience for your users by just prompting UI changes in your VueJS that is the frontend of your application.

Now, this can be swapping out the whole component to load users’ video requests or as easy as to make a text on your page editable without reloading the page. This can be executed very smoothly and fast because of the performance and speed offered by VueJS.

#2. Everything Happens on the Frontend

Modern-day web apps on the internet are event-driven. These web apps are developed to ensure that users encounter a user experience similar to if they installed a web application on their computer. When you use Laravel and VueJS in combination, there is no need to reload the page for the users because everything happens on the frontend all thanks to JavaScript,

#3. Building Optimal Complex Frontend Pages

You are left with no choice but to run the frontend entirely on JavaScript when you think of developing an application with parts that need to update frequently.

The issues with jQuery, JavaScript, or any other libraries of JavaScript that are not equipped with a virtual Document Object Model is that you rapidly face performance issues such as the volume of data to track for changes grows considerably, or the frequency of update rises. And these kinds of changes with DOM will be faster hence there will be significant performance lags.

When you create a web app with components of VueJS, during the rendering, all components’ dependencies are tracked automatically. Thus, the system will know that when there is a change in data, which component is required to be updated actually.

Hence, the overall efficiency of the application will be improved as all updates to the DOM use minimal resources.

#4. Single Page Application

It is said that Single Page Applications, also known as SPAs, are the best things that have happened to the internet in the previous decade. It makes the apps reach a broader user audience than was possible ever before.

The role of single page applications to deliver a rich web experience gets the appreciation when you realize that many internet users outside of some parts of Europe and America face issues to get on the internet.

All the assets of your application built with Laravel and VueJS get loaded in one time (and most of it cached), and your app does as the visitor engages with it and requests data that normally need low bandwidth to fulfill.

#5. Easy to Learn and Use

You can easily combine VueJS with Laravel, as it is easy to learn. When you utilize VueJS, it will feel like you are writing plain JavaScript. And the fantastic thing is that your app will be valid in VueJS even when you develop a simple app with plain JavaScript.

Another great thing about using VueJS with Laravel is that valid HTML is a valid Vue template also. It enables you to keep CSS external or process it with JavaScript based on app requirements.

You would be able to develop a non-trivial app with VueJS if you are familiar with JavaScript just after one day of reading the documentation.


You have great knowledge about Laravel and VueJS now, and you understand that you will get the best of both worlds by integrating Laravel and VueJS. Laravel and VueJS provide separately significant web apps across the globe, imagine what they will offer you integrated together! You can easily get Laravel development services and start working on the combination of these two frameworks!

No wonder Why Is This Couple Getting Popular for web development!

Good Read: Laravel Website Security and Performance Optimization Guide



Bharti Purohit
Frontend Weekly

Digital marketing executive. I like to follow the technical updates and love to write about them!