In case you missed the news, Rails is loving JavaScript and Rails 5.1 ships with the option to compile JavaScript with webpack via the Webpacker gem. This is a big change after years of the Rails asset pipeline running on Sprockets. My team at LearnZillion recently decided to embrace this change and make the switch to webpack with Webpacker to compile our clientside JavasScript for our Rails 4.2 application. Gulp!

This post describes the challenges we encountered while switching from Sprockets to webpack, how we solved those issues, and what we learned along the way.

Though much of what follows may be generally relevant to other teams considering a similar change, this post is not intended to be a step-by-step guide for replacing the Rails asset pipeline with webpack. This post also won't help you integrate with of the currently popular frameworks like React, Angular, Vue, or Ember (we use Knockout.js).

That said, if you're working in a legacy Rails application and considering webpack, perhaps you can learn from our mistakes.

Table of Contents

Why switch?

The asset pipeline was revolutionary in the Rails community when it was first introduced in Rails 3.1 and it has served our project well over the years. In the mean time, JavaScript has exploded in popularity and the collective efforts of the community have led to many improvements, including in the domain the Sprockets was originally created to solve.

Given this context, here are a few reasons we decided to switch (paraphrasing):

Though there are number of JavaScript tools that we could have chosen instead webpack, our decision here was pretty simple. As a team policy, we aim to stick with Rails conventions where possible. Given the official support in Rails and the general momentum in the webpack community, this was the appropriate choice for our team.

Webpack, the Rails Way

Webpacker is the official Rails gem for integrating webpack with Rails. Guarav Tiwari recently wrote a detailed introduction to Webpacker.

Why does Webpacker exist?

First, Webpacker helps make webpack Rails-friendly. webpack is powerful tool built to be extremely flexible. As a consequence, it is fairly complex to configure from scratch making it somewhat of an odd choice for Rails, which promotes convention over configuration. Webpacker fills the gap. The gem introduces some conventions and abstracts away a default configuration to make it easier to get up-and-running with, for example, out-of-the-box ES6 syntax support through integration with Babel.

Also, Webpacker helps form the bridge between the webpack build and the Rails application. Rails needs to be able to render <script> tags for webpack assets in views. Webpacker provides helpers, including javascript_pack_tag, for this purpose.

By Webpacker convention, webpack will build JavaScript from source files located in app/javascript (a new addition to the traditional Rails directory structure) and from node_modules installed via yarn. To determine what dependencies to build, webpack is configured by Webpacker to treat each file in app/javascript/packs as a separate entry point. Entries in webpack are analogous to JavaScript assets configured for Sprockets compilation via Rails.configuration.assets.precompile.

For deployment, the precompile task, rake assets:precompile, runs both Sprockets and webpack build steps. By default, each webpack entry will correspond to an output file that will be compiled to the public/packs directory in production, analogous to the public/assets directory for Sprockets builds. webpack generates a manifest.json in public/packs that maps asset names to their locations. Rails will read the manifest to determine the urls for webpack assets.

In development, there is the option to run the webpack dev server alongside the Rails server. The benefit is the webpack dev server will listen for JavaScript source file changes, recompile, and reload the browser automatically. To help make setup easier, Webpacker inserts a Rails middleware in development to proxy webpack asset requests to the dev server.

Making a plan

The key feature of Webpacker critical to our decision to making the switch is this:

Webpacker allows webpack and Sprockets to be used side-by-side.

The ability to compile some_module.js via webpack and another_module.js via Sprockets allowed us to move dependencies over to webpack gradually, in small changesets. With any upgrade, our primary goal is Don't break the site. and the incremental adoption of webpack allowed us to more easily address issues through our continuous integration and QA process.

Here's a high level overview of how we broke down the move to webpack from Sprockets:

  1. Prep phase
  1. Migration phase
  1. Cleanup phase
    • Remove Rails assets gems and redundant Sprockets configuration
    • Optimize our webpack bundles

Our gradual approach to the migration had its downsides:

Supporting both Sprockets or webpack while we rolled out incremental changes required more effort and time. Given the rapid development cycle of Webpacker, webpack, and its various plugins and utilities, we were continually upgrading and smoothing wrinkles throughout the process. Ultimately, this approach worked for us as it allowed time to wade into the webpack waters while adopting new conventions along the way.

Setting up webpack entries

Our team traditionally has compiled two Sprockets bundles for the browser: let's call them vendor.js and application.js. The vendor bundle is for our main bundle third party, infrequently changing libraries like jQuery, knockout.js, and lodash. The application bundle, which changes more often, is for smaller third party plugins and our application code.

Here's an overview of what that looked like in our codebase:

|-- vendor.js
|-- application.js
|-- some_module.js
|-- another_module.js

We rendered script tags for the vendor and application bundle respectively in the Rails application layout.

<!-- application.html.erb -->

    <!-- ... -->

    <%= javascript_include_tag 'vendor' %>
    <%= javascript_include_tag 'application' %>

To move dependencies to webpack, we first created counterpart "packs" for vendor.js and application.js.

Webpacker convention: each file in the packs directory serves as a separate entry point in webpack

|-- vendor.js
|-- application.js
|-- another_module.js
|-- some_module.js
|-- packs
    |-- vendor.js
    |-- application.js

We added script tags to the application layout using the helper provided by Webpacker javascript_pack_tag to render webpack bundles.

<!-- application.html.erb -->

    <!-- ... -->
    <%= javascript_pack_tag 'vendor' %>
    <%= javascript_include_tag 'vendor' %>

    <%= javascript_pack_tag 'application' %>
    <%= javascript_include_tag 'application' %>

The idea was that we could port dependencies from app/assets/javascripts to app/javascript one-by-one. So, we'd move some_module.js from app/assets/javascripts to app/javascript, update its syntax to ES6.

|-- vendor.js
|-- application.js
|-- another_module.js
|-- some_module.js
|-- packs
    |-- vendor.js
    |-- application.js

Maintaining backwards compatibility

As we moved libraries and individual components from the asset pipeline to webpack, we needed to maintain backwards compatibility with our legacy JavaScript—-the un-migrated portion of our codebase.

As mentioned earlier, our legacy JavaScript relied heavily on the global scope. We have references to jQuery, lodash, knockout littered throughout our compiled code, Rails views, and Knockout templates. To minimize the risk in this migration, we weren't going to change that.

But why was this an issue?

It helps to understand that Sprockets and webpack are two completely different paradigms of bundling JavaScript for the browser. The differences get to the heart of how webpack works. Instead of concatenating all your JavaScript into the global scope, as Sprockets does, webpack provides a runtime that compartmentalizes each JavaScript module into separate scopes via closures so that access between modules must be declared via imports. By default, none of these modules are exposed to the global scope.

We decided, as a policy. we did not want our webpack modules to depend on global variables. This meant we would have no references to Sprockets-compiled code in our webpack pipeline. Therefore, to migrate an individual file, some_module.js, we needed to answer two questions first:

In reality, we had to compromise in some cases. While most of our third party JavaScript could be moved to node_modules, we also relied on a number of vendor JavaScript APIs loaded via script tags in the browser. For example, since we don't compile our Google Analytics script via webpack and instead load this script from Google's servers, we left global references to in our codebase.

Migrating a Javascript Module

Our legacy JavaScript application consistently followed a pattern of defining and accessing properties on a global JavaScript object: window.App.

// app/assets/javascripts/some_module.js

App = App || {}

App.SomeModule = {
  someMethod: function () {
    var timestamp = moment()
    return App.AnotherModule.method(timestamp)

As we moved them over to webpack, the new version of the file above might look like the example below as we converted to ES6 syntax and replaced global references with imports:

// app/javascript/some_module.js

import moment from 'moment'
import AnotherModule from './another_module'

const SomeModule = {
  someMethod() {
    const timestamp = moment()
    return AnotherModule.method(timestamp)

export default SomeModule

There's a problem though. Once SomeModule moved to webpack, it was no longer available in the global scope as a property of App. References to App.SomeModule in Sprockets would be undefined. To maintain backwards compatibility, we had to find a way to make SomeModule available in both webpack and Sprockets.

Practically, this meant SomeModule could be available both as an import in webpack...

import SomeModule from '../some_module'


...and in the global scope as a property the global App instance:


In other words, we wanted to have our ES6 module cake and eat it too. Luckily, webpack provides a mechanism to do this.

Exporting from webpack

webpack provides for a use case that met our needs: that of library authors. This entails configuring the webpack output to export a variable to its receiving scope—in our case, the browser window. That meant we would package our webpack modules into a library for our Sprockets code!

To do this, we modified our webpack config:

// config/webpack/shared.js

output: {
  // Makes exports from entry packs available to global scope, e.g.
  library: ['Packs', '[name]'],
  libraryTarget: 'var'

// ...

With the above configuration, webpack will export a module called Packs to the global scope. The Packs variable will have a property corresponding to each entry by name. In our case, this means webpack exports a Packs.vendor and Packs.application properties.

To add modules to the library, we export them from our entry files. For example:

// app/javascript/packs/application.js

export { default as SomeModule } from './some_module`;

webpack would then make SomeModule a property of the Packs.application module, i.e., Packs.application.SomeModule.

This Packs variable gets exported to the global scope. We added some glue code to merge our Packs modules into the App namespace as below:

// app/assets/javascripts/application.js

App = App || {}
_.assign(App, Packs.application)

Boom! Now, we'd be able to use our webpack-compiled module as App.SomeModule in Sprockets without making any other changes to our legacy JavaScript.

Resolving application modules

As a convenience, we learned to resolve modules in our application as import 'some_module' instead of via relative paths like import '../some_module. To do this, we set up an alias in .babelrc. Webpacker installs .babelrc as a separate configuration file for Babel. We added the babel-plugin-module-resolver and updated the relevant section in our .babelrc in the plugins section:

// .babelrc

  // ...
  "plugins": [
    // ...
    ["module-resolver", { "root": ["./app/javascript"], "alias": {} }]

Extending the webpack configuration

Though Webpacker's default configuration made it easy to get started, we soon ran into the need to modify it to fit our needs. The configuration is extracted away in the @rails/webpacker NPM package, so we often revisit the source and debug it in the node REPL.

$ NODE_ENV=development node
> let config = require('./config/webpack/development');

We now have a shared file in the config/webpack directory that imports the webpack configuration through its API and exports the modified config object for the environment-specific config files to consume.

// config/webpack/environment.js

const { environment } = require('@rails/webpacker')
module.exports = environment
// config/webpack/shared.js

const merge = require('webpack-merge');
const environment = require('./environment');

// make changes
environment.loaders.set('ChosenJSLoader', {
    test: require.resolve("chosen-js"),
    use: ["script-loader"],

    new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({ options });

const config = environment.toWebpackConfig();

const additionalConfig = {
  // stuff to add

module.exports = merge(config, additionalConfig);
// config/webpack/development.js

module.exports = require('./shared');

The Webpacker docs also provide some helpful tips on how to extend the default configuration.

Importing libraries and global scope

Though webpack tries hard to encourage you to avoid exporting your dependencies to the global scope. Recall this wasn't an option for us.

To make our third party JavaScript libraries, like jQuery and knockout, available in the global scope, we added special loader to the webpack pipeline. A webpack loader generally describes a type of transformation for a given file type. For example, Babel integrates with webpack via a loader in Webpacker to transform any JavaScript file from ES6 to ES5 syntax.

One way to instruct webpack to expose variables exported by a given library to the global scope is via the official expose-loader. To use this loader, we updated the default webpack config provided by Webpacker to ensure that our webpack-compiled jQuery package is made available in the global scope for our legacy JavaScript:

// config/webpack/shared.js

module: {
  rules: [
      test: require.resolve('jquery'),
      use: [{
        loader: 'expose-loader',
        options: '$',
      }, {
        loader: 'expose-loader',
        options: 'jQuery',

    // ... other custom loader rules

// ...

We have similar expose-loader rules for each of our commonly-used libraries such as knockout and lodash.

Discovering webpack chunks

However, after adding expose-loader for jQuery, not everything worked as we expected in the early going.

Consider the following where we import jQuery in vendor.js. Then we've added the chosen-js package and import it in application.js.

// app/javascript/packs/vendor.js

import 'jquery'
// app/javascript/packs/application.js

import 'chosen-js'

We can show that this works on the Dev Tools console:

> typeof $.fn.chosen

Then, we installed another jQuery plugin, like slick-carousel:

// app/javascript/packs/vendor.js

import 'jquery'
// app/javascript/packs/application.js

import 'chosen-js'
import 'slick-carousel'

On the Dev Tools console, we can test for the new plugin:

> typeof $.fn.slick

But something happened. The chosen plugin is missing:

> typeof $.fn.chosen

Not expected! Clearly, there are some side effects from importing these packages in webpack. Turns out, there were a couple issues here converging at once.

At this point, it would help to visualize what's happening in our webpack bundles. We can do this in development with webpack-bundle-analyzer. Adding this plugin to our webpack config produces a separate local webserver that graphs the packages used in each bundle.

Here's what the analyzer produced before we added slick-carousel:

And after we added slick-carousel:

Two jQuerys! (You may have noticed some other modules are duplicated as well.)

It turns out that slick-carousel employs a common pattern in modern JavaScript packages to detect the presence of a JavaScript module loader API, such as Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) or CommonJS. The pattern looks something like this, excerpted from the slick-carousel source:

;(function (factory) {
  'use strict'
  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
    define(['jquery'], factory)
  } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
    module.exports = factory(require('jquery'))
  } else {
})(function ($) {
  // library code
  // ...

webpack recognizes both AMD define and CommonJs style require to resolve modules. Since slick-carousel imports jQuery, as seen in the except above, it's now included in the application.js bundle. webpack knows nothing about how we're including both vendor.js and application.js in the same HTML page, so it happily includes jQuery in both bundles—exactly as it's been instructed to do.

Ok, but why didn't we see two jQuerys when we included chosen-js?

The reason is that the Chosen jQuery plugin only works with browser globals, as described by this issue on the chosen-js GitHub repository. It doesn't use a module loader pattern, so if we hadn't exported jQuery to global scope in the first place, it wouldn't have worked at all. In that case, we would have followed this post that describes how to integrate Chosen with webpack using the imports-loader.

When we import chosen-js in the application.js bundle, it attaches itself to the global jQuery instance we imported in vendor.js. When we then import slick-carousel, it subsequently imports jQuery again, which is represented by a separate "chunk" in webpack. This new instance of jQuery clobbers the original instance in the global. Since the original instance is the one to which the Chosen plugin attached itself, no $.fn.chosen function appears in the browser.

Luckily, you don't have to resort to global variables just to use Chosen or most other packages that fail to employ the module loader pattern. In most cases, there's a loader (or plugin) for that! The webpack documentation devotes an entire guide to shimming modules that's worth your time.

If you're not able to shim a module, you can always resort to the script-loader, which will evaluate the module in the global context. The main takeaway here is you may have to roll up your sleeves and dig into the source of your dependencies to understand whether they'll work in the webpack context and/or whether you'll need to integrate with a loader or plugin.

Through our debugging sessions we came to learn a good lesson the hard way:

Importing a new webpack dependency may have side effects you did not anticipate

To avoid any misunderstanding about the affects of adding new dependencies to webpack, it helps to have a visual model of the webpack "chunks". The webpack-bundle-analyzer is a good place to start.

Extracting common chunks

We fixed the "two jQuerys" problem with some additional webpack configuration. We essentially have to instruct webpack to pull jQuery (or just about any module) into only one bundle.

Two promising strategies of note include use of community supported webpack plugins. One of these is the DllPlugin, which is a powerful way to split bundles and drastically improve build performance. It's also a bit more complex to setup and requires an extra build step.

We decided to use the CommonsChunkPlugin instead as this was bit easier to setup in Webpacker. (If you're interested in setting up the DllPlugin with Webpacker, check out this thread on GitHub).

To ensure jQuery and any other package from node_modules ends up in the vendor.js bundle only, we add something like this to our webpack plugins configuration:

new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
  name: 'vendor',
  chunks: ['vendor', 'application'],
  minChunks(module) {
    return module.context && module.context.indexOf('node_modules') >= 0;

This basic config basically says, take any "chunk" (effectively, a module) that is loaded from node_modules and occurs in both vendor.js and application.js, and extract it only to vendor.js in a way that can be shared by both modules. Rebuilding with this setup fixed our jQuery plugin issue (among other side effects of clobbering global variables).

Adding predictable long term caching

We learned though that we had a problem with our initial CommonsChunkPlugin configuration.

Without prior knowledge of how webpack works, one might expect that making a change only to a module imported by application.js would only affect only the application bundle output during a deploy. While using the CommonsChunkPlugin configuration as shown in the previous section this is, in fact, not the case.

To demonstrate, let's say all we did was import jQuery in our vendor bundle and ./some_module in our application bundle:

// app/javascript/packs/vendor.js

import 'jquery'
// app/javascript/packs/application.js

import SomeModule from '../some_module'

Here's the output of the webpack build, using the CommonsChunkPlugin setup as described in the previous section:

$ bin/webpack
Hash: 6331dfce0c27b4723c58
Version: webpack 3.8.1
Time: 779ms
                              Asset       Size  Chunks                    Chunk Names
application-5b435b20467ae799d8e6.js    3.42 kB       0  [emitted]         application
     vendor-282477ba5e90974e92cb.js     789 kB       1  [emitted]  [big]  vendor
                      manifest.json  124 bytes          [emitted]
# ...

Note the digest of the application and vendor bundles under "Asset": application-5b435b20467ae799d8e6.js and vendor-282477ba5e90974e92cb.js.

Now let's make only a change to application.js as below. AnotherModule brings in no new dependencies:

// app/javascript/packs/application.js

import SomeModule from '../some_module'
import AnotherModule from '../another_module'

Rebuilding now, we might expect only the digest for application.js would change:

$ bin/webpack
Hash: 7a033d5c3c2dffec095b
Version: webpack 3.8.1
Time: 758ms
                              Asset       Size  Chunks                    Chunk Names
application-80aab62cb2b8b0bfd6f3.js     4.5 kB       0  [emitted]         application
     vendor-a5762b269bc7170f5a51.js     789 kB       1  [emitted]  [big]  vendor
                      manifest.json  124 bytes          [emitted]
# ...

Instead, you'll notice both the application and vendor digests changed. Again, not expected!

The root problem (and solution) gets into the real meat of how webpack works under the hood. First, here is an article that has helped us better understand how webpack works including its use of module ids to link modules in the webpack runtime.

Building on that primer, we followed the steps outlined in this great article on predictable long term caching to ensure webpack generates the same fingerprinted output for our infrequently changing vendor bundle.

Third-party stylesheets, images, and fonts

Since we decided to leave stylesheets, images, and fonts in app/assets under Sprockets compilation, we needed to make Sprockets aware of asset sources we we now installing as NPM modules.

In most cases, we'd replace the corresponding Rails asset gem and add the appropriate node_modules directory to the Sprockets load path. For example, for foundation, here's how we did it:

# Gemfile

- gem "foundation-rails"
// package.json

"dependencies": {
   // ...
+ "foundation-sites": "~6.3.0",
   // ...
# config/initializers/assets.rb

+ Rails.application.config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join("node_modules", "foundation-sites", "scss")

Of course, webpack can bundle stylesheets as well and we'll likely investigate this on a future iteration when we're ready to remove Sprockets entirely.

Deploying with Capistrano and Nginx

We use Capistrano to deploy our Rails application. The capistrano/rails plugin adds some deployment configuration for the Rails asset pipeline, but we needed to make some changes to support webpack properly.

webpack compilation happens automatically with each deploy because Webpacker hooks into the rake assets:precompile task. This task relies on a Webpacker binstub, bin/webpack, which needs to be checked into version control.

We also needed to set public/packs and node_modules as shared directories to ensure webpack build output and NPM package installation via yarn are shared across deploys.

# config/deploy.rb

set :linked_dirs, fetch(:linked_dirs, []).push('public/packs', 'node_modules')

It also helps to be aware of that Webpacker uses the NODE_ENV environment variable to select the right webpack configuration. If NODE_ENV is not set, it will infer its value from RAILS_ENV. We also have a staging environment where we use the environment variable RAILS_ENV=staging. Our initial webpack deploy to staging failed because we did not have a webpack config for staging. Since our webpack configuration for staging would be identical to production, we simply set NODE_ENV=production on our staging environments:

# config/deploy.rb

set :default_env, { 'NODE_ENV' => 'production' }

Finally, since we use Nginx as a reverse proxy to our Rails application, we want to be sure the proper HTTP response headers are added for anything webpack compiles to public/packs to improve cacheability. So we added "packs" to our Nginx location block for assets, similar to below:

server {
  listen 443;
  root /path/to/application/current/public;

  location ^~ /assets|packs/ {
    gzip_static on;
    expires max;
    add_header Cache-Control public;

  # ...

Unit Testing with Karma

For unit testing our JavaScript with the Rails asset pipeline, we used jasmine-rails. That gem has allowed us to run JS unit tests either in the browser or on the command line. Given its tight coupling to the Rails asset pipeline, we would also have to replace our test runner. After trying out a few options, we liked the features of Karma and that a) it was easy to setup with webpack, and b) supports the Jasmine assertion syntax. That meant we could port our existing tests to Karma + webpack with minimal changes.

There are plenty of tutorials and tips out there for Karma + webpack, including Karma setup instructions in the Webpacker docs. Here's a brief overview of what we did:

First we added several packages.

yarn add --dev karma karma-cli karma-sourcemap-loader karma-webpack karma-jasmine karma-chrome-launcher

To make Karma work with our Webpacker setup, we started with the default karma.config.js configuration file and made some modifications as shown below:

// karma.conf.js

// Require our webpack test configuration
const webpackConfig = require('./config/webpack/test.js')

// Remove the plugins to workaround for several issues
const { assign } = require('lodash')
assign(webpackConfig, { plugins: [] })

module.exports = function (config) {
    frameworks: ['jasmine'],

    // list of files / patterns to load in the browser
    files: [{ pattern: 'spec/javascript/**/*.js', watched: false }],

    // preprocess matching files before serving them to the browser
    // available preprocessors:
    preprocessors: {
      'spec/javascript/**/*.js': ['webpack', 'sourcemap'],

    // For karma-webpack extension
    webpack: webpackConfig,

We ran into few problems using Karma with certain webpack plugins, including this issue with karma-webpack plus the CommonsChunkPlugin and this issue with Webpacker's use of the ManifestPlugin. Turns out, to run unit tests in the Karma context, our webpack plugins are irrelevant, so we've opted to remove them altogether in the Karma configuration for now. The downside is that our unit testing setup does not exercise our webpack plugin configuration, but any issue there would be caught by our integration testing workflow.

Another problem we needed to solve was to keep our legacy specs in jasmine-rails passing during the transition. As soon as we moved our first critical dependency from the asset pipeline to webpack, all of our jasmine-rails specs broke. This is because jasmine-rails assumes you're just using Sprockets and knows nothing about our webpack output.

Fortunately, jasmine-rails allowed us to override the Rails template spec_runner.html.erb that gets rendered when jasmine-rails executes the test suite in the browser. We just copied the default jasmine-rails ERB layout into our project and added our webpack "packs" in the right place.

<!-- app/views/layouts/jasmine_rails/spec_runner.html.erb -->

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    <title>Jasmine Specs</title>

    <%= stylesheet_link_tag *jasmine_css_files %>

    <!-- add the packs! -->
    <%= javascript_pack_tag "vendor", "application" %> <%=
    javascript_include_tag *jasmine_js_files, :defer => "defer" %>
  <body data-no-turbolink>
    <div id="jasmine_content"></div>
    <%= yield %>

Once all our unit test were ported over to Karma, we were able to remove jasmine-rails from our application.

Local development with SSL

Our team also strives for dev/prod parity as much as possible, from the 12 factor app methodology. This includes using a non-localhost domain, like, Nginx as a reverse proxy, and enforcing SSL in development. Fortunately, the webpack dev server supports SSL, but we needed to do a few things to make it work properly, including submitting a few patches to Webpacker.

webpack assets are proxied to the webpack dev server by the Webpacker middleware, but after enabling https for the dev server, autoreload wasn't working. This is because webpack inserts a script that opens up a websocket connection to the dev server over the endpoint /sockjs-node.

We needed to provide the hostname to webpack dev server so it can initiate the websocket connection for live reloading (webpack docs). To do so, we set the public option in config/webpacker.yml:

  # ...
    # ...

We also add the following location block to development Nginx server configuration to allow the websocket connection to proxy through Nginx.

server {
    listen 80;

    # Proxy webpack dev server websocket requests
    location /sockjs-node {
        proxy_redirect off;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
        proxy_pass; # change to match your webpack-dev-server host

    # ...

Wrapping up

Wow, you made it this far!

Perhaps the most important lesson we learned throughout this process is this:

Choosing webpack means investing time in understanding how it works and how to get the most out of it.

Gone are the days when we could "set it and forget it" for most of our dependencies under Sprockets. Despite the ease with which Webpacker let us get webpack running in our Rails application, it has required effort to experiment with configuration, optimize bundles, integrate with third-party modules, set up predictable, long-term caching, and stay up-to-date with rapidly changing dependencies, like webpack itself.

As of this writing, all of our clientside application JavaScript now runs through webpack in development and for deployment. So far, our team has been delighted by results and we're glad we invested in upgrading from the asset pipeline.

Discuss it on Twitter · Published on Nov 5, 2017

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