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Creating Stylish Javascript Popup

This project is to demonstrate how to crate stylish popup using Javscript, jQuery and React libraries. I will designed a popup that guarantee to compatible across any type and size of devices with modern browsers. You will see extensive features of CSS3 and power of jQuery selectors in this project. This project will also make use of custom HTML attribute to make the script more elegant and simpler.

Output of the Project

The primary screen of project.

Out Primaryscreen

The stylish popup.

Out Popupscreen

Creating the Html File

Create the index.html file in the root folder and add two <div> containers named _maincontainer and _popupcontainer . At the head section it will require to include jQuery, React and our own script files and css files. That's all for Html file and the rest will handle by javascript and css.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html xmlns="">
	<!-- This Project Compatible with all modern browsers and devices including mobile phone and tablets -->

	Stylish Javascript Popup
	<script src=""></script>
	<script src=""></script>
	<script src=""></script>
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/stylesheet.css" type="text/css"/>
	<script src="js/script.js"></script>    

	<!--  Container Control for Primary Components -->
	<div class ="maincontainer" id="_maincontainer">

	<!--  Container Control for Popup -->
	<div class ="popupncontainer" id="_popupcontainer">


Creating the Javascript File

Create the script.js file in the js folder. Javascript file will have three primary portions. The first portion contains, React objects to create necessary DOM elements. Second portion is the initialziation part and this will execute on on $(document).ready. This initialization part will render all react DOM objects and Initialization of the class. The final portion contains singleton class named AppManager which is the core part of this project and that handle all necessary actions and events.

First Portion
var lcListBox = React.createElement("ul", { className : "listbox" },
						React.createElement('li', { id: '_item1', 'ea-command': '@cmd%itemclick' }, 'Item 1'),
						React.createElement('li', { id: '_item2', 'ea-command': '@cmd%itemclick' }, 'Item 2'),
						React.createElement('li', { id: '_item3', 'ea-command': '@cmd%itemclick' }, 'Item 3'),
						React.createElement('li', { id: '_item4', 'ea-command': '@cmd%itemclick' }, 'Item 4'),
						React.createElement('li', { id: '_item5', 'ea-command': '@cmd%itemclick' }, 'Item 5'));

var lcPopUpTitle        = React.createElement("div", { className: 'title' },
						  React.createElement('div', { id       : '_titletext' }, 'Message'),
						  React.createElement('div', { className: 'closebuttondiv' },
								React.createElement('a', { id: '_closebutton', 'ea-command': '@cmd%cancelpopup' }, '\uf00d')));
var lcPopUpContent      = React.createElement("div", { className: "content", 'fa-messagetemplate': 'You choose "$ITEM".' }, 'You choose Item 1');
var lcPopUpButton       = React.createElement("div", { className: "buttondiv" },
								React.createElement("a", { id: '_okbutton', 'ea-command': '@cmd%closepopup' }, 'OK'));

var lcPopUpbox          = React.createElement("div", { className: 'popupbox' }, lcPopUpTitle, lcPopUpContent, lcPopUpButton);

var lcPopUpOverlay = React.createElement("div", { className: 'popupoverlay' }, lcPopUpbox);

lcListBox object is the DOM element for the list box that shows on primary screen, and all the lcPopupxxx objects are parts of popup box.

Second Portion
$(document).ready(function () {
	ReactDOM.render(lcListBox, document.getElementById('_maincontainer'));
	ReactDOM.render(lcPopUpOverlay, document.getElementById('_popupcontainer'));            

At $(document).ready(){:.language-javascript} event, I render lcListBox React object in the _maincontainer. After that, lcPopUpOverlay which is the root element of Popup DOM element in the _popupcontainer.

Third Portion
var AppManager = (function () {
var clDeferred;
var clListBox;
var clPopUpOverlay;
var clPopUpContent;

return {
	Init: function () 
		clListBox           = $(document).find('ul.listbox');                            
		clPopUpOverlay      = $(document).find('div.popupoverlay');
		clPopUpContent      = clPopUpOverlay.find('div.content');


	ShowPopup : function(paItemName)
		clDeferred = $.Deferred();

		if (clPopUpOverlay && clPopUpContent)
			var lcTextTemplate = clPopUpContent.attr('fa-messagetemplate');
			lcTextTemplate = lcTextTemplate.replace('$ITEM', paItemName);

			clPopUpContent.text(lcTextTemplate || '');
			clPopUpOverlay.attr('fa-show', 'true');

		return (clDeferred);
	ClosePopUp : function()
	SetActiveItem : function(paElement)
		if (paElement)
				if (paResult == 'ok') {
					paElement.attr('fa-active', 'true');
	HandlerOnClick : function(paEvent)

		var lcCommand = $(this).attr('ea-command');
		lcCommand = lcCommand.substring(lcCommand.indexOf('%') + 1);

			case 'itemclick':

			case 'closepopup':
					if (clDeferred) clDeferred.resolve('ok');

			case 'cancelpopup':
					if (clDeferred) clDeferred.resolve('cancel');

Init function

Init function Initalize the class variables clListBox, clPopUpOverlay and clPopUpContent variables and bind the click event of elements that has ea-command attribute with HandlerOnClick event handler. To avoid multiple binding, it will unbind the previous bindings and bind again.

ShowPopup function

This function is responsible to show the stylish popup with the given parameter paItemName. In order to get back the user's response it implement asynchronous behaviour using jQuery Deferred. This function set the attribute fa-show of clPopUpOverlay DOM element, and it will trigger CSS rule to show the popup with transition.

ClosePopup function

This function will close the popup by removing attribute fa-show of clPopUpOverlay DOM element which trigger CSS rule to hide the popup.

SetActiveItem function

This function will show the popup by calling ShowPopup function and if user press OK then it will mark the item belong to paElement paramters as Active, otherwise it will do nothing.

HandlerOnClick function

This is an event handler that handle all the click events of all elements that has ea-command attribute. The command format is @cmd%yyyyy and it parse the command format by eliminating prefix and get only yyyyy . After that, the command will pass to switch block for execution.

Creating the CSS File

Create the stylesheet.css file in the css folder.

The following css rules is to load fontawesome file, if necessary. if the font is not installed, it will download from cdn. This is to avoid missing font issue, if font is not installed on device.

	font-family: 'fontawesome'; 

	src: url(''); 
	src: local('fontawesome'),
		 url('') format('embedded-opentype'), 
		 url('') format('svg'), 
		 url('') format('truetype'), 
		 url('') format('woff'), 
		 url('') format('woff2'); 

	font-weight: normal; 
	font-style: normal; 

The following css rule is for body tag. Nothing special, just make body tag to cover the whole area.

	position    : relative;
	width       : 100%;
	height      : 100%;
	margin      : 0;        
	font-family : helvetica;        

The following css rules is for maincontainer. To ensure to cover whole area of device, it uses 100vw and 100vh for width and height. After that add multiple css rules to make gradient grey background color with cross browser compatibility.

	position    : relative;
	display     : block;                
	width       : 100vw;
	height      : 100vh;

	background  : rgba(207,207,207,1);
	background  : -moz-linear-gradient(-45deg, rgba(207,207,207,1) 0%, rgba(237,237,237,1) 21%, rgba(224,224,224,1) 39%, rgba(235,235,235,1) 61%, rgba(214,214,214,1) 80%, rgba(237,237,237,1) 100%);
	background  : -webkit-gradient(left top, right bottom, color-stop(0%, rgba(207,207,207,1)), color-stop(21%, rgba(237,237,237,1)), color-stop(39%, rgba(224,224,224,1)), color-stop(61%, rgba(235,235,235,1)), color-stop(80%, rgba(214,214,214,1)), color-stop(100%, rgba(237,237,237,1)));
	background  : -webkit-linear-gradient(-45deg, rgba(207,207,207,1) 0%, rgba(237,237,237,1) 21%, rgba(224,224,224,1) 39%, rgba(235,235,235,1) 61%, rgba(214,214,214,1) 80%, rgba(237,237,237,1) 100%);
	background  : -o-linear-gradient(-45deg, rgba(207,207,207,1) 0%, rgba(237,237,237,1) 21%, rgba(224,224,224,1) 39%, rgba(235,235,235,1) 61%, rgba(214,214,214,1) 80%, rgba(237,237,237,1) 100%);
	background  : -ms-linear-gradient(-45deg, rgba(207,207,207,1) 0%, rgba(237,237,237,1) 21%, rgba(224,224,224,1) 39%, rgba(235,235,235,1) 61%, rgba(214,214,214,1) 80%, rgba(237,237,237,1) 100%);
	background  : linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(207,207,207,1) 0%, rgba(237,237,237,1) 21%, rgba(224,224,224,1) 39%, rgba(235,235,235,1) 61%, rgba(214,214,214,1) 80%, rgba(237,237,237,1) 100%);
	filter      : progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#cfcfcf', endColorstr='#ededed', GradientType=1 );

The following css rules is for list box that display items.I only use vw and vh units to ensure compatibility across all size of devices. Set transform rule, to make list box to stay center of the screen of any size. I also use gradient background for aesthetic purpose.

.maincontainer .listbox 
	position            : absolute;
	display             : block;
	width               : 60vw;
	height              : 30.5vh;

	margin              : auto;
	padding             : 0;
	padding-inline-start: 0;

	border-top          : 0.5vh solid #888;
	border-left         : 0.5vh solid #888;
	border-bottom       : 0.5vh solid #eee;            
	border-right        : 0.5vh solid #eee;   

	-moz-box-shadow     : 1vh 1vh 2vh #888;     
	-webkit-box-shadow  : 1vh 1vh 2vh #888;     
	box-shadow          : 1vh 1vh 2vh #888;     
	top                 : 50%;
	left                : 50%;

	transform           : translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%);
	-ms-transform       : translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%);
	-moz-transform      : translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%);
	-webkit-transform   : translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%);
	-o-transform        : translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%);

	background: rgba(45,134,156,0.52);
	background: -moz-linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(45,134,156,0.52) 0%, rgba(96,202,232,0.52) 25%, rgba(71,177,204,0.51) 50%, rgba(96,202,232,0.5) 76%, rgba(73,165,191,0.5) 100%);
	background: -webkit-gradient(left bottom, right top, color-stop(0%, rgba(45,134,156,0.52)), color-stop(25%, rgba(96,202,232,0.52)), color-stop(50%, rgba(71,177,204,0.51)), color-stop(76%, rgba(96,202,232,0.5)), color-stop(100%, rgba(73,165,191,0.5)));
	background: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(45,134,156,0.52) 0%, rgba(96,202,232,0.52) 25%, rgba(71,177,204,0.51) 50%, rgba(96,202,232,0.5) 76%, rgba(73,165,191,0.5) 100%);
	background: -o-linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(45,134,156,0.52) 0%, rgba(96,202,232,0.52) 25%, rgba(71,177,204,0.51) 50%, rgba(96,202,232,0.5) 76%, rgba(73,165,191,0.5) 100%);
	background: -ms-linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(45,134,156,0.52) 0%, rgba(96,202,232,0.52) 25%, rgba(71,177,204,0.51) 50%, rgba(96,202,232,0.5) 76%, rgba(73,165,191,0.5) 100%);
	background: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(45,134,156,0.52) 0%, rgba(96,202,232,0.52) 25%, rgba(71,177,204,0.51) 50%, rgba(96,202,232,0.5) 76%, rgba(73,165,191,0.5) 100%);
	filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#2d869c', endColorstr='#49a5bf', GradientType=1 );

The following css rules is for list items. To ensure list items are fully occupied list box with equal height I use height : calc((100% - 2.5vh) / 5). In calc formula 2.5vh is height occupied for margin purpose and 5 is the number of items. To put extra top and bottom margin for first and last item, I use :first-child and :last-child selectors. To show right caret on the left side of active item, I use ::before pseudo element when fa-active attribute is set, .maincontainer .listbox li[fa-active]::before. I also set font size in vh unit to ensure font size is fit for all devices.

.maincontainer .listbox li
	position        : relative;
	cursor          : pointer;
	display         : block;
	text-align      : center;
	font-size       : 3.5vh;
	width           : 100%;
	height          : calc((100% - 2.5vh) / 5);
	border-bottom   : 0.1vh solid #eee; 
	line-height     : 170%;

.maincontainer .listbox li:first-child
	margin-top      : 1vh;

.maincontainer .listbox li:last-child
	margin-bottom   : 1vh;
	border-bottom   : none;

.maincontainer .listbox li:hover
	background  : #faffd1;
	color       : #f00;

.maincontainer .listbox li[fa-active]
	font-weight : bold;

.maincontainer .listbox li[fa-active]::before
	position    : absolute;
	left        : 2vw;
	top         : 0.9vh;
	font        : 4vh fontawesome;
	content     : '\f0da';

Although vw and vh are suitable for tablet, mobile phones and other small devices, it is not suitable for PCs or similar large devices. So I use @media queries to enforce to use px unit and pt unit instead of vw and vh units on large devices.

@media screen and (min-device-width : 768px) 
	.maincontainer .listbox 
		width               : 300px;
		height              : 200px;     
		border-top          : 3px solid #888;
		border-left         : 3px solid #888;
		border-bottom       : 3px solid #eee;            
		border-right        : 3px solid #eee;     
		-moz-box-shadow     : 5px 5px 10px #888;     
		-webkit-box-shadow  : 5px 5px 10px #888;     
		box-shadow          : 5px 5px 10px #888;     
	.maincontainer .listbox li
		font-size       : 16pt;                             
		line-height     : 150%;                                                
		height          : calc((100% - 20px) / 5);
		border-bottom   : 1px solid #eee;

   .maincontainer .listbox li:first-child
		margin-top      : 10px;

   .maincontainer .listbox li:last-child
		margin-bottom   : 10px;
		border-bottom   : none;
   .maincontainer .listbox li[fa-active]:before
		left        : 10px;
		top         : 5px;
		font        : 16pt fontawesome;                 

The following css classes is for popupoverlay and it responsible to show and hide the popup. position : fixed is to position the element relative to viewport. left : 100vw is to hide popup overlay on the right. The css rule transition makes overlay to appear with sliding animation 0.5s. .popupoverlay[fa-show] rule is to show popup when fa-show attribute is set.

	position            : fixed;
	top                 : 0vh;
	left                : 100vw;
	width               : 100%;
	height              : 100%;
	background          : rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
	opacity             : 0;

	-webkit-transition  : left 0.5s ease-in-out, opacity 0.5s ease-in-out;
	-moz-transition     : left 0.5s ease-in-out, opacity 0.5s ease-in-out;
	-o-transition       : left 0.5s ease-in-out, opacity 0.5s ease-in-out;
	-ms-transition      : left 0.5s ease-in-out, opacity 0.5s ease-in-out;
	transition          : left 0.5s ease-in-out, opacity 0.5s ease-in-out;

	left                : 0vw;
	opacity             : 1;

The following css classes is for popupbox and it's child elements for tablet, mobile phone and other small devices.

.popupoverlay .popupbox
	position            : relative;
	display             : block;                

	width               : 80vw;
	height              : 25vh;

	background          : #eee;

	top                 : 50%;
	left                : 50%;

	transform           : translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%);
	-ms-transform       : translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%);
	-moz-transform      : translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%);
	-webkit-transform   : translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%);
	-o-transform        : translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%);

	-moz-box-shadow     : 0vh 0vh 2vh #fff;     
	-webkit-box-shadow  : 0vh 0vh 2vh #fff;     
	box-shadow          : 0vh 0vh 2vh #fff;     

.popupoverlay .popupbox .title
	width               : 100%;
	height              : 6vh;

	background          : #0973a7;
	color               : #ddd;
	font-size           : 2.5vh;
	font-weight         : bold;
	text-align          : center;  
	line-height         : 200%;  

.popupoverlay .popupbox .closebuttondiv
	position            : absolute;

	width               : auto;
	height              : 6vh;

	top                 : 0;
	right               : 20px;
	padding-top         : 0.5vh;

	-webkit-box-sizing  : border-box;
	-moz-box-sizing     : border-box;
	-ms-box-sizing      : border-box;
	-o-box-sizing       : border-box;
	box-sizing          : border-box;

.popupoverlay .popupbox .closebuttondiv a
	-moz-box-shadow     : inset 0 0.3vh 0 0 #f5978e;
	-webkit-box-shadow  : inset 0 0.3vh 0 0 #f5978e;
	box-shadow          : inset 0 0.3vh 0 0 #f5978e;

	background-color    : #f24537;
	background          : -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #f24537), color-stop(1, #c62d1f));
	background          : -moz-linear-gradient(top, #f24537 5%, #c62d1f 100%);
	background          : -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #f24537 5%, #c62d1f 100%);
	background          : -o-linear-gradient(top, #f24537 5%, #c62d1f 100%);
	background          : -ms-linear-gradient(top, #f24537 5%, #c62d1f 100%);
	background          : linear-gradient(to bottom, #f24537 5%, #c62d1f 100%);
	filter              : progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#f24537', endColorstr='#c62d1f',GradientType=0);
	-webkit-border-radius   : 50%;
	-moz-border-radius      : 50%;
	-ms-border-radius       : 50%;
	-o-border-radius        : 50%;
	border-radius           : 50%;

	border                  : 0.1vh solid #d02718;
	display                 : inline-block;
	cursor                  : pointer;
	color                   : #ffffff;	
	font                    : 3vh "FontAwesome";		            
	padding                 : 0;
	text-decoration         : none;
	text-shadow             : 0 0.6vw 0 #810e05;
	line-height             : 150%;
	width                   : 5vh;
	height                  : 5vh;

	-webkit-box-sizing      : border-box;
	-moz-box-sizing         : border-box;
	-ms-box-sizing          : border-box;
	-o-box-sizing           : border-box;
	box-sizing              : border-box;

	-webkit-touch-callout   : none;
	-webkit-user-select     : none;
	-khtml-user-select      : none;
	-moz-user-select        : none;
	-ms-user-select         : none;
	user-select             : none;        

.popupoverlay .popupbox .closebuttondiv a:active
	position                : relative;
	top                     : 0.2vh;

.popupoverlay .popupbox .content
	width                   : 95%;
	height                  : 8vh;
	margin                  : 2vh auto 2vh auto;                                

	text-align              : center;
	font-size               : 3vh;
	padding-top             : 2vh;

	-webkit-box-sizing      : border-box;
	-moz-box-sizing         : border-box;
	-ms-box-sizing          : border-box;
	-o-box-sizing           : border-box;
	box-sizing              : border-box;

	color                   : #555;

.popupoverlay .popupbox .buttondiv
	width                   : 100%;
	height                  : auto;                
	text-align              : center;

.popupoverlay .popupbox .buttondiv a
	-moz-box-shadow         : inset 0 0.3vh 0 0 #a4e271;
	-webkit-box-shadow      : inset 0 0.3vh 0 0 #a4e271;
	box-shadow              : inset 0 0.3vh 0 0 #a4e271;
	background-color        : #89c403;
	background              : -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #89c403), color-stop(1, #77a809));
	background              : -moz-linear-gradient(top, #89c403 5%, #77a809 100%);
	background              : -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #89c403 5%, #77a809 100%);
	background              : -o-linear-gradient(top, #89c403 5%, #77a809 100%);
	background              : -ms-linear-gradient(top, #89c403 5%, #77a809 100%);
	background              : linear-gradient(to bottom, #89c403 5%, #77a809 100%);
	filter                  : progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#89c403', endColorstr='#77a809',GradientType=0);
	-webkit-border-radius   : 5%;
	-moz-border-radius      : 5%;
	-ms-border-radius       : 5%;
	-o-border-radius        : 5%;
	border-radius           : 5%;

	border                  : 0.1vh solid #74b807;
	display                 : inline-block;
	cursor                  : pointer;
	color                   : #ffffff;	
	font-size               : 2.5vh;
	font-weight             : bold;
	padding                 : 1vh 4vw;
	text-decoration         : none;
	text-shadow             : 0 0.3vh 0 #528009;                
	min-width               :23vw;
	min-height              :3vh;

	-webkit-touch-callout   : none;
	-webkit-user-select     : none;
	-khtml-user-select      : none;
	-moz-user-select        : none;
	-ms-user-select         : none;
	user-select             : none;        

.popupoverlay .popupbox .buttondiv a:hover 
	background              : -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #77a809), color-stop(1, #89c403));
	background              : -moz-linear-gradient(top, #77a809 5%, #89c403 100%);
	background              : -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #77a809 5%, #89c403 100%);
	background              : -o-linear-gradient(top, #77a809 5%, #89c403 100%);
	background              : -ms-linear-gradient(top, #77a809 5%, #89c403 100%);
	background              : linear-gradient(to bottom, #77a809 5%, #89c403 100%);
	filter                  : progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#77a809', endColorstr='#89c403',GradientType=0);
	background-color        : #77a809;

.popupoverlay .popupbox .buttondiv a:active 
	position        : relative;
	top             : 0.2vh;

Again, as vw and vh units are not suitable for large devices, I need to use media queries to set px unit.

@media screen and (min-device-width : 768px) 
	.popupoverlay .popupbox
		width       : 350px;
		height      : 180px;

	.popupoverlay .popupbox .title
		height      : 35px;
		font-size   : 12pt;

	.popupoverlay .popupbox .closebuttondiv
		height          : 30px;
		right           : 5px;
		padding-top     : 2px;

	.popupoverlay .popupbox .closebuttondiv a
	   width                : 28px;
	   height               : 28px;
	   font                 : 14pt "FontAwesome";	
	   line-height          : 125%;
	   -moz-box-shadow      : inset 0 2px 0 0 #f5978e;
		-webkit-box-shadow  : inset 0 2px 0 0 #f5978e;
		box-shadow          : inset 0 2px 0 0 #f5978e;

		text-shadow         : 0 4px 0 #810e05;

	.popupoverlay .popupbox .content
		height              : 80px;
		margin              : 10px auto 10px auto;
		padding-top         : 30px;
		font-size           : 14pt;

	.popupoverlay .popupbox .buttondiv a
		-moz-box-shadow     : inset 0 2px 0 0 #a4e271;
		-webkit-box-shadow  : inset 0 2px 0 0 #a4e271;
		box-shadow          : inset 0 2px 0 0 #a4e271;

		min-width           : 50px;
		min-height          : 20px;

		padding             : 5px 20px;

		font-size           : 12pt;
		line-height         : 150%;

After completing of CSS file, everything is done and stylelish javascript popup is ready to use.

Kyi Phyo Cho@Albert Cho


Easiest and cleanest way to create stylish Javascript Popup.







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