JSK Weekly - May 31, 2023

The SOLID principles, initially introduced by Robert C. Martin, are designed to make software designs more understandable, flexible, and maintainable. While they were primarily devised for object-oriented programming, these principles can be adapted to fit a variety of coding paradigms, including functional programming, which is the basis of React. Check out Ali Husen's "Can SOLID Principles be Applied to React Applications?"

Other popular stories include "A Comprehensive Collection for Newcomers and Professionals Alike", "JavaScript closures, don't be blinded by what you see" and "Custom React Hooks: A Secret Weapon for Efficient, Cleaner, and Reusable Code" on Bits and Pieces.


From Monolith to Reusable: Refactoring Forms with a Simple Input Component

Forms are an integral part of web applications. They are the primary means of data input, enabling users to interact and engage with an application. Therefore, having efficient, reusable form components can significantly boost a developer's productivity. In this article, I'll share how I refactored my forms with a simple, reusable input component in React.

Authored by: Bit

Why Next.js Is the Top Choice for Modern Web Development - Upmostly

Are you looking for a powerful and flexible framework to build your next web project? If so, you may want to consider Next.js. This React-based framework has gained popularity in recent years thanks to its many advantages, such as server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, and static site generation.

Authored by: Upmostly

How to Implement Token Bucket Rate Limiting In NestJS - I Like Kill Nerds

Rate limiting is a crucial aspect of building scalable and secure web applications. It helps prevent abuse and ensures the fair usage of resources. In this blog post, we will explore how to implement token bucket rate limiting in a NestJS application with a reset interval of 24 hours.

Authored by: Dwayne Charrington


Mastering array sorting in JavaScript: a guide to the sort() function

In this article, I will explain the usage and potential of the sort() function in JavaScript. What does the sort() function... | Web design web development news, website design and online marketing. Web design, development, javascript, angular, react, vue, php, SEO, SEM, web hosting, e-commerce, website development and search engine optimization, social media management.

Authored by: MA-NO WebDesign&Dev

JavaScript closures, don't be blinded by what you see

As a frontend developer I firmly believe that you must master Javascript (commonly known as V anilla Javascript) before start to learn any of its frameworks like Vue, Angular or React. If you dominate Javascript, it will be easier to learn any framework for sure.

Authored by: David Moreno

Must Know JavaScript API - Fullscreen API

Welcome to the Must Know JavaScript API series, this series will learn the JavaScript API with you, so that you can be more proficient in using it like a senior engineer. Let's start learning...

Authored by: Chris1993

How to Build a Responsive Navigation Bar with a Dropdown Menu using JavaScript

Navigation bars are essential components used a lot in websites and web apps. As a web developer, you will need to be able to customize them, either for a client project or a basic portfolio site. In this guide, you'll learn how to build a navigation bas for yourself from

Authored by: Eke


Crafting Cosine Similarity Calculations in TypeScript: A Comprehensive Guide - I Like Kill Nerds

Introduction In data science and machine learning, cosine similarity is a measure that calculates the cosine of the angle between two vectors. This metric reflects the similarity between the two vectors, and it's used extensively in areas like text analysis, recommendation systems, and more. This post delves into the intricacies of implementing cosine similarity checks [...]

Authored by: Dwayne Charrington

TypeScript: A Powerful Tool for JavaScript Development

Exploring the basics of TypeScript - along with its benefits, its differences compared to JavaScript, integrating TypeScript with Webpack and more.

Authored by: Bit


Custom React Hooks: A Secret Weapon for Efficient, Cleaner, and Reusable Code

Hello to all you developers out there! In the world of React, there's a secret weapon that often remains hidden in plain sight, under-utilized due to a lack of understanding or familiarity. This powerful tool, known as custom React hooks, can revolutionize the way we approach code in our React applications.

Authored by: Bit

React Interview Questions 2023: A Comprehensive Collection for Newcomers and Professionals Alike

Do you want to make a career change for the better? Or did you spend a lot of time and energy preparing for an interview the following weekend? Do you know how many people are excluded from discussions just because they prepare ideas instead of focusing on the real questions that will be asked?

Authored by: JavaScript In Plain English

Can SOLID Principles be Applied to React Applications?

The SOLID principles, initially introduced by Robert C. Martin, are designed to make software designs more understandable, flexible, and maintainable. While they were primarily devised for object-oriented programming, these principles can be adapted to fit a variety of coding paradigms, including functional programming, which is the basis of React.

Authored by: Ali Husen

How to Create Treemap Chart in React with Recharts

In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a treemap chart component using React functional component, Recharts, and Bootstrap libraries. A treemap chart offers a straightforward way to visualize hierarchical data through rectangle patterns. Every rectangle represents a particular category or subcategory in relation to the volume of the data.

Authored by: Digamber Singh


Use Required Test Tags Instead Of Skipping Tests

Use "@bahmutov/cy-grep" plugin to automatically recheck failing tests instead of skipping them. Imagine the scenario: one of your Cypress tests fails. You are not sure why yet, so to avoid blocking the pipeline, you skip the test using it.skip. You even put a comment above the test with the GitHub issue link while you investigate.

Authored by: Gleb Bahmutov