JSK Weekly - May 17, 2023

Looking for some handy tips and tricks for writing cleaner code with Typescript? Then check out Dwayne Charrington's post "Ten TypeScript Tricks for Writing Super Clean Code" where he explains how leveraging various TypeScript features can help with writing cleaner, safer, and more maintainable code that will be easier to understand for you and your fellow developers.

Other popular stories this week include "How to Pass Data between Angular and React Projects Using Custom Events" on Syncfusion, "Angular: Best Practices for 2023" and "10 JavaScript Design Patterns" on Bits and Pieces.


Understanding import.meta: Your Key to ES Module Metadata

JavaScript has seen a paradigm shift in recent years with the introduction of ECMAScript Modules (ESM). The modular architecture is no longer a luxury; instead, it has become a necessity in today's complex development landscape. ES modules provide a standardized way of encapsulating and sharing code across files, greatly enhancing code maintainability, reusability, and scope control.

Authored by: Bit

How to Pass Data between Angular and React Projects Using Custom Events [Webinar Show Notes]

This blog provides show notes for our October 13, 2022, webinar, “How to Pass Data between Angular and React Projects Using Custom Events.” The webinar was presented and hosted by Syncfusion developer Uma Maheswari Chandrabose. If you missed it, or would like to watch it again, please see our YouTube channel or the embedded copy that follows.

Authored by: Syncfusion

Why Next.js server actions are game-changing!

I don't know about you, but every time a new Next.js release is announced, I get very excited to see what new features have been released. Nowadays, Vercel is in lock step with React in moving as much as possible to the server, which is very exciting to see!

Authored by: Ryan C. Collins

ReactJS vs Angular: Which One Should You Choose?

ReactJS, developed by Facebook, is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is lightweight and easy to learn, making it a popular choice among developers. Angular, on the other hand, is a full-featured JavaScript framework developed by Google. It is a more comprehensive solution for building complex applications.

Authored by: Vivek Dogra

Why Building With Components is the Best Way to Ensure Clean Code

Web development has come a long way since its inception, with a multitude of technologies and methodologies emerging to make the process of building web applications faster, easier and more efficient. However, with these advancements come new challenges, and one of the biggest challenges in modern web development is ensuring clean, maintainable code.

Authored by: Bit

What is a JWT token and how does it work?

JWT tokens are a standard used to create application access tokens, enabling user authentication in web applications. Specifically, it follows... | Web design web development news, website design and online marketing. Web design, development, javascript, angular, react, vue, php, SEO, SEM, web hosting, e-commerce, website development and search engine optimization, social media management.

Authored by: MA-NO WebDesign&Dev


10 JavaScript Design Patterns

Design patterns are advanced object-oriented solutions to commonly occurring software problems. Patterns are about reusable designs and interactions of objects. Each pattern has a name and becomes part of a vocabulary when discussing complex design solutions. In this tutorial, I provide JavaScript examples for each of the GoF patterns.

Authored by: Bit

How to Create an Interactive Map in JavaScript with Leaflet

There are many mapping libraries that allow JavaScript developers to create attractive, dynamic, and spatially aware user interactions. One of the most popular JavaScript libraries for creating interactive maps is Leaflet. Leaflet is a lightweight, open-source library that provides an easy-to-use interface for creating maps and adding layers to them.

Authored by: devwanderer

How to Build a Beginner-Friendly JavaScript Application

JavaScript is a popular programming language for building web, mobile, and desktop applications. There are many frameworks and libraries that have been built around JavaScript, with more likely being developed even as you are reading this article. If you plan to start learning JavaScript, some of them are worth

Authored by: Tapas Adhikary


The Builder Pattern in Angular- Build Better Objects with TypeScript

In software development, creating complex objects with multiple optional parameters can lead to bloated constructors and maintenance challenges. The Builder pattern provides an elegant solution to building objects step by step, enabling flexible configuration and reducing code duplication.

Authored by: Bit

How to Build a Key Generator with TypeScript - I Like Kill Nerds

Hello, fellow nerds. Today, we're going to build a license key generator. This flexible generator will allow you to create keys of varying lengths and segment sizes. We'll also include a validation function to ensure the keys are correct. And, of course, we'll write Jest test units to ensure everything works as expected.

Authored by: Dwayne Charrington

A Guide To Redux Toolkit With TypeScript

The Redux Toolkit documentation calls the library a better way to write Redux logic for React apps and a simple and efficient toolkit for Redux development. In this article, you will learn about the Redux toolkit by building an app that tracks project issues.

Authored by: Smashing Magazine

Ten TypeScript Tricks for Writing Super Clean Code - I Like Kill Nerds

In this post, I am going to go over a few TypeScript features that will make your code cleaner and strongly typed. You might already be familiar with some of these features, and some you might not. Admittedly, I am still finding new things to learn in TypeScript, so skip over the items you're already [...]

Authored by: Dwayne Charrington


Angular: Best Practices for 2023

Angular development is known for its robustness, scalability, and performance, making it popular among web development companies and developers. Hence adopting best practices in Angular development leads to consistency, code readability, performance, maintainability, and scalability. It helps team members work together more efficiently, reduces the chance of bugs, and ensures that the codebase can support evolving needs.

Authored by: Bit

Angular - Facade Design Pattern and how it can improve performance

As an Angular developer, you may have come across the need to simplify complex code and provide a simplified interface to other parts of the application. This is where the Facade Design Pattern comes into play. In this blog post, we will discuss the Facade Design Pattern, its implementation in Angular, and how it can improve the performance of your application.

Authored by: Bit

Angular - Abstract Design Pattern-DRY & Single Shared Responsibility

Also read: Abstract Method pattern is a popular design pattern used in Angular applications. It is a behavioral design pattern that defines a skeletal structure of an algorithm in an operation, leaving the implementation details to be filled in by the sub-classes.

Authored by: Bit


Mastering Redux: A Balanced Analysis with Code Examples for React Developers

As an IT professional with almost two decades of experience in software engineering, I've seen the impact that new technologies can have on a developer's toolkit. I've had the privilege to work on various Microsoft platforms and frontend development, and one thing that has always intrigued me is the relationship between React and Redux.

Authored by: Bit

Animating React Components with Framer Motion

Framer Motion is a popular animation library for React that makes it easy to create complex animations and interactions. In this article, we'll explore how to animate React components using Framer Motion with plenty of code examples. First, install Framer Motion using npm or yarn: npm install framer-motion or 2.

Authored by: JavaScript In Plain English

How to Integrate Chart.js with React

We'll talk about how to integrate the ChartJS library with React in this section. You can build a variety of charts to utilize in your applications. It is a simple lesson that only covers the fundamentals of ChartJS. We'll talk about bar charts, line charts, and pie charts in this blog.

Authored by: JavaScript In Plain English

Optimizing React List Rendering: Create Virtualized Lists

Dealing with large lists in React applications can lead to performance issues and poor user experiences. Virtualized lists offer an efficient solution to this challenge. In this article, we will explore how to create a custom virtualized list implementation from scratch.

Authored by: Ali Husen


Vue.js Differences Between Views and Components - Upmostly

Views and components are one of the first things you'll work with when starting a new project in Vue.js. In this article, we'll explore the nature and functionality of Vue.js views and components, and see if there's any difference between them. Views in Vue.js are components that point to the actual web page you want the visitor to visit.

Authored by: Upmostly

Closing Modals By Pressing the Back Button in Vue.js

Recently, I spent my time on my phone more than PC. So I realized that some websites give me a bad experience when I open the modal. Let's talk about that problem. On some websites, when we click somewhere like an item or picture, a modal may be opened.

Authored by: Sang Nguyen


How to Work with Files in Node.js

JavaScript is a popular programming language among web developers. But when it was first released, only front end developers enjoyed all of the fun it had to offer, since you couldn't run JavaScript outside the browser. But then in 2009, the first version of Node.js was released. Node is a

Authored by: Tisey Soft

Functional Programming

Pure Functions in JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide

A function is a reusable block of code that accepts arguments and returns a computed value. A pure function always returns the same value given the same arguments and produces no side effects. Let's see in more detail what are pure functions and why they are useful.

Authored by: Dmitri Pavlutin