JSK Weekly - January 25, 2023

Do you know how much of an impact Javascript Frameworks have on Web Development? Code Home has a great walkthrough (including some history) for those who like a little more background. Check out "The Impact of JavaScript Frameworks on Web Development" for more.

Other popular stories this week include Rajendran's "Building an Image Carousel in JavaScript Is Now Easy!" on Syncfusion, Enea Jahollari's "Async pipe is not pure" and Fernando Doglio's "Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms: Build a Cuckoo Filter in JavaScript" on Bits and Pieces.


Better SEO in Mobile Apps with Micro Frontends: A Comprehensive Guide

Micro frontends is a software architecture that involves building applications as a collection of small, independent services, each with its own user interface (UI). This approach can provide several benefits, including improved scalability, enhanced modularity, and better maintainability. In this blog, we will explore how micro frontends can be applied in the context of mobile applications and how to optimize their implementation for search engine optimization (SEO).

Authored by: Bit

Why You Should Or Should Not Learn Frameworks?

This question is one of the most asked one in the world of JavaScript by beginners and I don't blame them. I also once asked this question. The question wast a hot in the recent three or four years...

Authored by: JavaScript In Plain English

Demystifying Fresh - Building your own Islands of Interactivity

The concept of "Islands of interactivity" is a very interesting one, because it poses the premise that the website should only send interactive code to the browser when it's absolutely needed. Otherwise, the rest of the HTML should be rendered statically on the server. This helps speed things up and provides a faster experience for users.

Authored by: Bit

Dockerizing a Next.js App and Configuring AWS infrastructure with Terraform

In this article, I'll be talking about how we can dockerize a Next.js app and configure its deployment infrastructure in AWS using Terraform. This would be a continuation of my previous article which was about b uilding a Next.js DynamoDB CRUD App. You can find the repository related to that project using this link.

Authored by: Sankha Rathnayake

Async pipe is not pure 🤯

Yes, that's normal! Why? Because of how Angular does change detection under the hood! To better understand how the async pipe works, let's create our own from scratch! Let's call it SubscribePipe in order for to differ it from the original one.

Authored by: Unicorn Utterances

Module Federation vs Single-SPA

Micro frontends are a popular way to build large, complex web applications by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable chunks. These chunks, also known as modules, can be developed, tested, and deployed independently of one another, allowing teams to work on different parts of the application in parallel.

Authored by: Bit


Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms: Build a Cuckoo Filter in JavaScript

Cuckoo Filters are very useful when you have to deal with big data sets. Especially when you have to check if a new value is already inside the set.

Authored by: Bit

Building an Image Carousel in JavaScript Is Now Easy!

The JavaScript Carousel is a highly responsive and completely customizable UI control. It can display images with content, links, and more, like a slideshow. You can use it to display scrolling news headlines, featured articles on home pages, and image galleries. Now, it has been developed to meet industrial standards and is production-ready.

Authored by: Syncfusion

How to Submit a Form with JavaScript - JS Submit Button Example

When building applications and websites on the internet, you'll sometimes need your users to supply information by filling out a form. But then you might wonder - how do you get this data from the form? Well, you can do this with JavaScript. In this article, you will learn how

Authored by: Joel 🦸‍♀️

The Impact of JavaScript Frameworks on Web Development

JavaScript frameworks, which offer better code structure, faster development times, and enhanced functionality, have had a huge influence on web development. They have grown to be an important tool...

Authored by: JavaScript In Plain English

JavaScript Meets Genetics: How to Create Genetic Algorithms

Sometimes the solution to a problem can depend on so many different and independent factors, that writing an algorithm that makes sense of them all is almost impossible. Understanding when to change one parameter instead of the other, can take a lot of time and effort to research.

Authored by: Bit

Using JavaScript Generators to Create a Multithreaded Data Processor

In this article, we will explore using JavaScript generators and Web Workers to create a multithreaded data processor for efficiently handling large data sets. We will explore the concepts and mechanics of implementing this approach and its limitations and advantages.

Authored by: Frontend Weekly

Unleashing the Power of JavaScript Modules: A Beginner's Guide

JavaScript is a powerful programming language that is widely used for web development. One of the key features of JavaScript is its support for modules, which allow developers to organize their code...

Authored by: Rahul⚡️

How to Use JavaScript for Data Analysis - A Beginner's Guide

Data analysis involves taking data you have and extracting useful information from them. During the process, you need to clean the data, present them in a useful way, and draw conclusions that can help companies make important decisions. Data analysis is commonly done with languages like Python and R. Very

Authored by: PHP Artisan


How to Create a Blockchain With TypeScript - I Like Kill Nerds

If you have been a reader of my blog for a while, you would know that I am an avid cryptocurrency enthusiast. I believe in the tech more so than the financial side. I find blockchains fascinating because, despite their perceived complexity, you can implement a blockchain in any programming language; Javascript included.

Authored by: Dwayne Charrington


How TransferState Can Improve SSR Performance in Angular

Are you looking to optimize the performance of your Angular application? If so, you might want to consider using server-side rendering (SSR) and the TransferState technique. SSR is a technique for rendering web pages on the server rather than the client (i.e. the user's web browser).

Authored by: Frontend Weekly

Streamline Your Angular App: Mastering Observables and RxJS

Observables are a powerful and versatile tool for handling asynchronous data streams in JavaScript. They are similar to promises, but with a few key differences that make them more powerful and flexible. The most basic way to think of an observable is as a stream of data that can be emitted over time.

Authored by: Liudas Drejeris

The best of Angular: a collection of my favorite articles of 2022

I collected the best Angular articles and videos of 2022, so if you are looking to develop your Angular skills or get up to speed with some of the newest solutions, check out these insightful pieces. "Component-First Architecture is a pattern for architecting our applications to fill the void left by the patterns that sprung up around NgModules."

Authored by: Gergely Szerovay


Building a Share Button Interaction Concept using React Native and Software Mansions Reanimated -...

The onTouchesUp and onFinalize functions are responsible for the ripple effect on tap. The onTouchesUp the method is triggered when the user lifts their finger from the screen after making the tap gesture. This function sets the rippleStateScale to a withTiming function to a value of 1 with a duration of 300ms and an easing function.

Authored by: Karthik_B

5 React useState Mistakes That Will Get You Fired

When using setState, you can access the previous state as an argument of callback. Not using it can cause unexpected state updates. We are going to take apart that mistake with a typical Counter example. Now let's use callback when setting state. Notice, that it will also help us to remove unnecessary dependency from useCallback.

Authored by: Pavel Pogosov

5 Dev Tools for Documenting React Code like a Pro

React is incredibly useful as a library for building complex frontend applications, but it also needs a ton of hacky code and optimizations to get around its quirks. React codebases often have esoteric knowledge that is fleeting and needs to be documented, but that's easier said than done.

Authored by: Sunil Sandhu

A Guide to Effective Error Handling in React - Upmostly

Error handling is a crucial aspect of software development, and it is especially important in the world of React, where components can be nested and complex. Proper error handling helps to ensure that your application remains stable and functional even when something goes wrong.

Authored by: Upmostly


Loss of 'this' scope in Vue.js - solved and explained

Most of the articles I've written so far are born from some personal experience or struggle I've had in the past which I either learnt the hard way and want to share with all of you so you don't struggle, or I find it so interesting that it deserves some space on my blog.

Authored by: JavaScript In Plain English


Google Authentication for a Node. Server

Let's say you are working on an application that uses google login. This means your clients can log in using their google accounts. We discussed how we could do that on the front end in a previous article. Now you have a backend server and want to ensure that only authenticated users can access that data.

Authored by: Mohammad Faisal

Libraries and Tools

Create a Multiple Instances Socket React Context Library: a Step-by-Step Guide

In this article, we will go through the process of creating a multiple instances socket React context library. React context is a powerful feature that allows you to share state and props across your entire application without the need for props drilling.

Authored by: Bit

How to Create a Multi-Threaded Node.js Library

In the context of building libraries in Node.js, multi-threading can be particularly useful for improving performance and scalability. Node.js is a single-threaded runtime, meaning that it can only execute one task at a time. However, by using multi-threading, it is possible to offload certain tasks to separate threads.

Authored by: Bit

Functional Programming

How Functions Work in JavaScript - JS Function Code Examples

JavaScript is a widely-used programming language that is essential for web development. Its ability to run on both client-side and server-side makes it a versatile tool that has become an essential tool for web developers. JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted language used on the client side, meaning it runs in

Authored by: Israel Chidera

How to solve join is not a function error in JavaScript

In this tutorial, we are going to learn about how to solve the TypeError: join is not a function in JavaScript When we use a Array.join() method on a value which is not an data type array we will get the following error in our console.

Authored by: Sai gowtham