Prevent Objects From Being Changed in JavaScript

There are multiple ways to keep objects safe in JavaScript (ES6) by making them immutable. This reduces side-effects and unpredictable behavior. But what does what? There are four options available, which I will show you in some simple examples below.

Note: This also applies to TypeScript.

Restricting Objects

1 — const

The most common and well-known way to keep an object from being changed is by using theconst keyword. You can’t assign the object to something else, unlike let and var, but you can still change the value of every property, delete a property, or create a property.

const myObject = {
firstProp: true,
secondProp: 'Yes'
myObject = false // not allowed (assign)
delete myObject.firstProp // allowed (delete)
myObject.secondProp = 'No' // allowed (update)
myObject.thirdProp = 'Yes' // allowed (add)


To be a bit stricter we use Object methods. The first object method to prevent changing object properties is called preventExtentions. This will prevent adding new properties to the object, updating, and deleting existing properties is still allowed.

const myObject = {
firstProp: true,
secondProp: 'Yes'
myObject.isExtensible() // false
myObject = false // not allowed (assign)
delete myObject.firstProp // allowed (delete)
myObject.secondProp = 'No' // allowed (update)
myObject.thirdProp = 'Yes' // not allowed (add)

3 — seal

The next method is seal. This will prevent adding new and deleting existing properties to and from the object, but updating existing properties is still allowed.

const myObject = {
firstProp: true,
secondProp: 'Yes'
myObject.isSealed() // true
myObject = false // not allowed (assign)
delete myObject.firstProp // not allowed (delete)
myObject.secondProp = 'No' // allowed (update)
myObject.thirdProp = 'Yes' // not allowed (add)

4 — freeze

And the last one is called freeze. This will prevent changing anything to the object. With freeze you are sure it’s not modified anywhere in your code.

const myObject = {
firstProp: true,
secondProp: 'Yes'
myObject.isFrozen() // true
myObject = false // not allowed (assign)
delete myObject.firstProp // not allowed (delete)
myObject.secondProp = 'No' // not allowed (update)
myObject.thirdProp = 'Yes' // not allowed (add)