Best 40 ReactJS Articles and Libraries in January

We have culled the best of the articles from last month and these are the ones we think are worth reading.  Served with a small quiver of interesting libraries worth a look.


13 things you need to know about React

I've been using React for over a year now. I'm also conducting training to help people learn it from scratch. I noticed that on every traini...

Authored by: Krzysztof Jendrzyca

A deep dive into children in React

The core of React is components. You can nest these components like you would nest HTML tags, which makes is easy to write JSX since it rese...

Authored by: Max Stoiber

React's Five Fingers of Death. Master these five concepts, then master React.

A few years ago, my friend Sean started telling me how this brand new front-end library called React was going to take over the web. At firs...

Authored by: Sacha Greif

Reactiflux | Jordan Walker Interview Transcript

I hope that there are plans for further unifying React Native and React for mobile web. At any given time there's a handful of people (eithe...

Authored by: Reactiflux

Refactoring React - Extracting Layout Components

With React, abstraction doesn't have to be limited to separating presentational and container components or lifting up state. Often, extract...

Authored by: Erik Aybar

How to build, test and deploy React Applications in 2017

Unless you are living in a cave, continuous integration (CI) is all the rage, but it's not just a practice exclusive to backend guys; front-...

Authored by: Vladimir

Internationalizing React Apps

All you need to know about internationalization. Learn how to develop a simple universal React application with full internationalization su...

Authored by: Smashing Magazine

Optimizing the Performance of Your React Application

Profiling your React code is simple using the tools providing by the react-addons-perf package. Once you know where React is wasting time, y...

Authored by: Alex Sears

GraphQL & React tutorial (part 1/6)

A guide to using the latest production-ready tools to build modern apps in 2017 I've been fascinated with teaching people to build apps sinc...

Authored by: Tom Coleman

How should you React to Redux

All you need to know about using React with Redux

Authored by:

Why I love Create React App

Create React App is a great React app starter and runner. Create React App GitHub Create React App User Guide Awesome Create React App. Feel...

Authored by: Valeriy

React Interview Questions

For the record, asking someone these questions probably isn't the best way to get a deep understanding of their experience with React. React...

Authored by: Tyler McGinnis

Redux with React - First look

This time is the turn for Redux, one of the hottest libraries for front-end web development. It was created in 2015, influenced by Flux arch...

Authored by: Jose Mendez

How To Add Redux To Create React App

This tutorial will show you how we can add Redux to the Create React App starter project. We'll be using community best practices to structu...

Authored by: JavaScript Kicks

React.js Forms: Controlled Components

This post covers the following controlled components: Also covered are: Clearing/resetting the form's data Submitting data Validation Check ...

Authored by: Loren Stewart

Making dynamic form inputs with React

Forms seem very simple so far. Indeed, when we only have a fixed set of fields, it's pretty easy to make them into code. In real apps, howev...

Authored by: Gosha Arinich

Fetching data in a universal react router app with async actions

One of the most difficult things when working in a universal app is fetching data on the client side. With es2017 and the React lifecycle, i...

Authored by: Jonathan Creamer

How To Add React Router To Create React App

If you want to add single page app capability to Create React App, then you need to add React Router to the project. In this tutorial I will...

Authored by: Yongzhi Huang

React Router Animation Examples

Hi guys, I made an example using React Router and React's Animations in a mobile context.

Authored by: Anthony Albertini

What happens when you use RxJS in React?

The ReactiveX Observable model allows you to treat streams of asynchronous events with the same sort of simple, composable operations that y...

Authored by: Domagoj Kriskovic

JSX framework - A syntax sugar for ReactJS

Eventually you realize that HTML and CSS are not enough, you need JavaScript. And now for react you are able to use jsx framework

Authored by: Jose Mendez

Thinking in Redux (when all you've known is MVC)

When we at Spoil decided to roll out our mobile app, one of the first decisions we had to make was: what language do we use? After some deli...

Authored by: Mikhail Levkovsky

Instant form field validation with React's controlled inputs

If you've followed along, you know about controlled inputs and simple things they enable, like disabling the Submit button when some fields ...

Authored by: Gosha Arinich

React at 60fps

React is an abstraction over the DOM and as any abstraction, it has its costs and limitations that you may hit sooner or later. Understandin...

Authored by: Andrey Okonetchnikov

Cross-platform React stories

React brought us a new way to think about the client-side and UIs in general. So that was exciting. For React to be effective we start to th...

Authored by: Hugo Di Francesco

Rax is a React Native, not just a React

I think people in the English community just missed the point. Rax is not a React alternative, it's a React Native alternative, which suppor...

Authored by: jiyinyiyong

Curating 20 Progressively More Complex Open Source React Apps

Reading through open source projects is a great way to learn a new library or framework. This can show you what tutorials and documentation ...

Authored by: appendTo

Example of how to use partial application to pass parameters to event handlers in React

Example of how to use partial application to pass parameters to event handlers in React

Authored by: Sergio Xalambrí

List Filtering through State Management: Moving from jQuery to React/Redux

Most web applications give people an interface to interact with and explore data. Thus, a core challenge of building applications is continu...

Authored by: appendTo

The Good and Bad parts of JSX

JSX is a de facto standard for declaring components structure in React applications. It became popular because of familiar syntax, in this c...

Authored by: Roman Liutikov

Improving the State of your App with Redux

Redux is a self-proclaimed "predictable state container for JavaScript apps." It has gained popularity through its association and integrati...

Authored by: Jeremy Likness

Children in JSX

React in patterns series. If you want to learn more check out the repo.). It gives us the power to create a placeholder that is later filled...

Authored by: Krasimir Tsonev



react-fiber-architecture - A description of React's new core algorithm, React Fiber

Authored by: Andrew Clark


formidable-react-starter - React starter application

Authored by: Ken Wheeler

react-cssom - Css selector for React Components

mbasso/react-cssom - Css selector for React Components

Authored by: Matteo Basso


webvr-experiments - A collection of ReactVR experiments (potentially also A-Frame and WebVR expriments using ReasonML & Elm)

Authored by: Nik Graf

backbone.react-bridge - Transform Backbone views to React components and vice versa

Workable/backbone.react-bridge - Transform Backbone views to React components and vice versa

Authored by: JavaScript Kicks


ReactSiema is a lightweight carousel plugin for React. It's a wrapper based on decent library Siema .

Authored by: npmbot


nwb - A toolkit for React, Preact & Inferno apps, React libraries and other npm modules for the web, with no configuration (until you need i...

Authored by: Jonny Buchanan

kea - High level architecture for React apps

mariusandra/kea - High level architecture for React apps

Authored by: Marius Andra

More ReactJS is already posted this month.  Join the JSK Daily list at the top of this page or join JSK and stay current.