JSK Weekly - 22nd May, 2024

Interested in looking deeply at React Server Components (RSCs). They are the latest innovation in React’s ecosystem, leveraging both server-side and client-side rendering as well as streaming HTML to deliver content as fast as possible?

To get a full understanding of how RFCs fit into the React picture, the level of control they offer over the rendering lifecycle of components, and what page loads look like with RFCs in place, check out "The Forensics Of React Server Components (RSCs)".

Other popular stories include "Boosting React Performance: useCallback vs. useMemo Hooks" on Syncfusion, "Should You Learn TypeScript? Pros and Cons of TS Explained" and "Javascript Patterns in ES6".


3D web game dev jam! with Brian Breiholz (JS Party #323)

Two-time React Jammer, Brian Breiholz, joins Jerod & Nick to discuss building 3D games in the browser! We hear of his game jam trials & tribulations, the in-progress game engine he's building, the dream game he's been building for a long time & more

Authored by: JS Party

ECMAScript proposal: duplicate named capturing groups for regular expressions

In this blog post, we take a look at the ECMAScript 2025 feature "Duplicate named capturing groups" which was proposed by Kevin Gibbons. It's a feature for regular expressions that enables us to use the same capture group name more than once.

Authored by: Axel Rauschmayer


How to Create Objects in JavaScript

In programming, objects are fundamental building blocks used to represent real-world entities or concepts. JavaScript, a versatile and popular language, offers various ways to create these objects. This article dives deep into these methods, equipping you with the knowledge to craft objects tailored to your programming needs. We'll begin

Authored by: joan ayebola

Debugging Like a Pro: 10 Tips for Effective JavaScript Troubleshooting

This article will teach you 10 valuable tips for improving your JavaScript troubleshooting skills. These tips will help you debug like an expert, regardless of whether you are an experienced developer or just beginning your coding journey.

Authored by: Syncfusion

Javascript Patterns in ES6

❌ Decreased performance - too many subscribers or complex observer handling can result in delay in notifying all subscribers ❌ Readability - extending classes multiple times may result in difficulty...

Authored by: JavaScript Kicks

Level Up Your JavaScript: Mastering Array Manipulation Techniques

Arrays are a fundamental data structure in JavaScript that allows you to store and manipulate collections of values. One of the reasons arrays are so useful is that they come with a rich set of...

Authored by: JavaScript Kicks

JS Remove Char from String - How to Trim a Character from a String in JavaScript

Manipulating strings is a fundamental skill in programming. A common task you might encounter when coding in JavaScript is trimming characters from a string. Trimming involves removing specific characters from the beginning and/or end of a string. Th...

Authored by: freeCodeCamp.org

Learn JavaScript with Clear Explanations

JavaScript is a versatile and powerful programming language primarily used to create interactive and dynamic content on websites. It is one of the core technologies of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and CSS. While HTML provides the structure of w...

Authored by: freeCodeCamp.org

Mastering Conditional Logic in JavaScript: If/Else, Ternary Operator, and Switch

We need to run code based on the condition. Let's say you will make a quiz game, where you need to determine if the answer is true or false. Or perhaps you have a collection of properties and want to...

Authored by: JavaScript Kicks


Should You Learn TypeScript? Pros and Cons of TS Explained

In this article, we'll explore the question: is TypeScript worth learning? Before we try finding the answer together, let me tell you why I'm suddenly asking this. I come from a Java background where writing code demands that you be type-aware. This means that if you are declaring a string,

Authored by: Tapas Adhikary


Internet connection monitoring in Angular

Identifying internet connection status using forms module, navigator and library in Angular

Authored by: JavaScript Kicks


The Forensics Of React Server Components (RSCs)

React Server Components (RSCs) combine the best of client-side rendering, and author Lazar Nikolov thoroughly examines how we got here with a deep look at the impact that RSCs have on the page load timeline.

Authored by: Smashing Magazine

Set up a React Native Web Project in a Monorepo

Setting up a React Native Web project in a monorepo is challenging. Let's do so and see what challenges we run into!

Authored by: Unicorn Utterances

Patching the Date API to Solve Client-Side ReactJS Issues

As the release of React.js 19 approaches, we can now use some new features using Next.js. However, a notorious challenge arises when React applications try to reconcile the server-generated content...

Authored by: In Plain English

Boosting React Performance: useCallback vs. useMemo Hooks

React is a popular JavaScript framework for front-end development that has made developers’ lives easier by introducing component-driven development.

Authored by: Syncfusion